Hello! The JLB Soul-Survivor Method Combines Psychoeducation with Biblical Application to Help Others on Their Journeys to Wholeness (Living in Alignment with Their Truest Selves).💜

Psychology and god
Psychology is the study of the soul (mind/intellect , emotions, and will).
God’s Design
Since God created our souls (Ps. 139:14, Jer. 1:5), it’s important to learn how trauma affects what God designed, and how it can make it difficult to live authentically as ourselves!
God’s Love
The Bible says that “God is Love” and loves us sacrificially (1 John 4:16, John 3:16, Eph. 3:19), but it can be hard for us to embrace that love, which affects our ability to love ourselves.
My Purpose
I help other survivors understand how childhood, generational, and religious trauma affect us & our ability to live authentic, purpose-driven, lives of Overflow, not just survival! And then we can let what we DO flow out of who we ARE, thus each of us can fulfill our purpose!
PLAY VIDEO for definition.
Have You Experienced Childhood Trauma? Take the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Quiz.
A score of 4 or more indicates trauma. My score was 8 out of 10.
What’s yours? https://americanspcc.org/take-the-aces-quiz/
Studies show that up to 90% of physical illness can be traced back to stress,
especially illnesses such as asthma and high blood pressure.
Black women suffer disproportionately from these physical illnesses.
According to an author manuscript in the NIH - National Library of Medicine
(Earlise C. Ward and Susan M. Heidrich):
“Although African American women are burdened by mental illness, their use of mental health services is low. Stigma has been identified as the most significant barrier to seeking mental health services among African Americans . . . Researchers at the California Black Women's Health Project found only 7% of African American women with symptoms of a mental illness sought treatment. In one study, only 13% of African American women with panic disorder sought treatment, and in another, older African American women experiencing depression, compared to those under age 50, were less likely to be currently participating in therapy.”
Read full article here: National Library of Medicine - Author Manuscript
If, like me, you experienced prolonged childhood trauma and struggled with anxiety, depression, shame, perfectionism, and symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD) caused by long-term developmental trauma, I can help you navigate the challenges.
Testimonials / Reviews
“Janet is the best at seeing where you are and helping you move forward.” ~Roxanne
“Janet has really helped me start the journey of changing my life for the better.” ~Luce
“Through Janet’s coaching, writing, and training, I was able to identify cycles and patterns of toxicity . . .” ~Toney
Click here for more detailed reviews: https://janetlynboswell.com/testimonials
BENEFITS OF COACHING: Click the button to learn more.
VIRTUAL Individual
& group Coaching
Initial Consultation: 15 minutes - Free
Coaching Sessions: 60 minutes - $110.00*
*Payment Plan available as needed.
Please contact me for questions: info@janetlynboswell.com or 419.405.5180.
Part I: Initial 6-Week Group Coaching Series - Thursdays, 6:00pm - 7:30pm EDT; Series Total = $300. Next start date TBD.
Part II: Advanced 6-Week Group Coaching Series - Series Total = $270. Must attend Part I first.
Virtual & In-Person
*Words R Water: Benefits of Writing Through Trauma® (see promo below) Attendees learn how writing helps with stress-management on a biological, mental, social, and emotional level, and they participate in several writing practices to help identify their favorite tool.
*A Biblical Soul Care Plan© Attendees examine how Jesus handled stress and anxiety and create their own personalized plans based on His example.
*Heart Matters: Emotional Intelligence (EI) for Spiritual Leaders© Attendees learn the importance of emotional awareness and regulation, including their individual response styles (Fight, Flight, Freeze, Fawn). Workshop includes an exclusive online EI assessment.
*My Grandmothers’ Legacies© - Encouragement for BIPOC Women Attendees reflect on how generational patterns and trauma get passed down and show up in their minds, bodies, lives, and relationships and learn tools to change unhealthy patterns.
*DISC Personality Profile (Adaptability Quotient) Assessment Attendees identify and examine their core personalities and ability to adapt to different situations and environments, which is a great indicator of success in professional and personal relationships.
*Workshop Duration: 5 hours = 10:00a.m.-3:00 p.m. ET (Includes Lunch Break)
For more information on my workshops, see my Reviews page.
Click the button below to schedule a 15-min free Initial Virtual Consultation.
blog - Pulling the Emotional trigger: confessions of a child abuse survivor
Pulling The Emotional Trigger: Confessions of a Child Abuse Survivor
by Janet Lyn Boswell, BA, CTRC
Virtual Women’s Gathering: 2 Hour Event. Location - ZOOM. Items Needed: Journal, Pen, Drink (water, tea, coffee), Favorite Blanket or Sweater, Cushions/Pillows/Bolsters, Candles. Make your space as cozy as you like! Click the button below to schedule an event for the women in your circle, group, and life!